Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sexuality and Romance

[I am constantly editing this, sorry]

Sexual orientation: A person's sexual identity in relation to the gender/sex to which they are sexually attracted

Romantic orientation: A person's romantic identity in relation to the gender/sex to which they are romantically attracted

Split attraction: A person with split attraction has a diffent romantic orientation from their sexual Orientations (example - biromantic asexual)

Here's a list of orientations all though this list is not a limited list. All prefixes can be used for romantic orientation, with the same defintion but in relation to romantic attraction. Also remember sexual and romantic orientation is personal it's up to the person to identify with what they are comfortable:

SGA: Same gender attraction

Includes all people who experience attraction to the same gender

MGA/MAS: Multiple gender attraction; Multiple attraction spectrum 

Includes all sexual and romantic orientation that have attraction to multiple genders, as well as people who have split attraction to more than one gender

WLW: Women loving women; Women who love women

Includes all women attracted to women, even if they have multiple attraction

MLM: Men loving men; Men who love men

Includes all men attracted to men, even if they have multiple attraction

Monosexual/Monromantic: Sexual/Romantic attraction to one gender

Heterosexual/Heteromantic: Sexual/romantic attraction to the opposite gender

Homosexual/Homoromantic: Sexual/romantic attraction to the same gender

Gay: A person who is sexually and or romantically attracted to the same gender; SGA

A man with same gender attraction, often exclusively

Lesbian: A woman who is sexually and or romantically attracted to the same gender; A gay woman; A woman who is SGA

Polysexual/Polyromantic: Sexual/romantic attraction to more than one gender

Bisexual/Biromantic: Sexual/romanic attraction to more than one gender or attraction to two or more genders

Sexual/romantic attraction to men and women

Homoflexible: A bi person who has a stronger attraction to the same gender / A person who has a split attraction but a preference or stronger attraction towards the same gender

Heteroflexible: A bi person who has a stronger attraction to the opposite gender / A person who has a split attraction but a preference or stronger attraction towards the opposite gender

Fluid: Attraction which fluctuates between two or more extremes

Pansexual/Panromantic (Omnisexual/Omniromantic): Sexual/romantic attraction to all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual anatomies (including intersex people)

Asexual/Aromantic: Lack of sexual/romantic attraction

-Gray-A: Sexual/romantic attraction sometimes but not usually

*Androsexual/Androromantic: Sexual/romantic attraction to masculinity, males and or men; usually used by non-binary people to identify with.

*Gynosexual/Gynoromantic: Sexual/romantic attraction to femininity, females and or women; usually used by non-binary people to identify with.

NOTE: Not everybody's sexual and romantic attraction will match up. Never assume that these orientations match up. Always remember just because you think someone's sexual and or romantic orientation is this they might rather be called that so please don't assume things.

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