Monday, October 5, 2015

Types of Feminism:

Liberal feminism is the first wave of feminism, they won the right to vote. They focus on women having the same rights as men, which would be great if men had more rights than women. They believe women have to fight the ‘patriarchy’ through their choices. Liberal feminism is still alive and they’re advocating for things like #freethenipple.

Difference Feminism, a subsect of liberal feminism, asserts the idea that there are differences between men and women that should not be considered equally. They want equality but argue that sameness is not needed for equality.

Radical liberation feminism or second wave feminism is the basis for most modern feminist ideology. Often called the women’s liberation movement. Liberation feminism says that gender is oppressive to women and men. They believe misogyny is deeply rooted in society. These feminist disregard the concept of gender, hence why many seem transphobic. They believe society must change at it’s core to get rid of oppression. They believe reproduction gets in the way of women’s success. They believe the nuclear family is oppressive. They often reject femininity. They created the concept of ‘political lesbianism’. Their whole ideology is based on making women like men. They believe their ideology will help men and women but also reject the notion that feminism is for men.

Now we have cultural feminism or third wave (modern) feminism. Sometimes referred to as radical cultural feminism, despite the fact they hold opposing views to radical liberation feminism. Cultural feminist created the concept of “toxic masculinity”. They believe femininity should be embraced and that masculinity hurts society. Cultural feminist believe reproduction is a power that women hold and that men want to control. They believe the whole porn industry needs to be demolished. They also often reject the notion that feminism is for men.

Both liberation and cultural feminist believe any form of domination of women is oppressive and sometimes this includes sex it self.

Next we have socialist feminism, they are anticapitalist because they believe capitalism is the root of female oppression. They believe capitalism strengths the 'patriarchy’.

Ecofeminism combines feminist ideology with ecology. Ecofeminism believes that 'patriarchy' is built on sexism, racism, class exploitation and environmental destruction.

'White feminism’ is basically any form of feminism that doesn’t believe women of color face sexism differently or they’re racist or they exclude women of color. Any form of feminist can be a 'white feminist’ but it doesn’t mean all white feminist are 'white feminist’. Wow, that is so confusing and racist.

Lastly, we have this new version called 'intersectional feminism’ whom for some reason believe women of color face sexism different than white women. They believe, for some reason, that helping women isn’t good enough to help women. Any form of feminist can be 'intersectional’.

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