Sunday, September 28, 2014

Gender, Sex and Love ❤

Okay so what's sex and what's gender? Aren't they the same thing? I mean if you're a boy then you're boy and if you're a girl you're a girl, right? Even if you're trans you're still a boy or a girl. They're the same thing...

No, no they're different I swear! Here let me explain...

Sex and gender may be used interchangeably but there is a difference between biological sex and gender identity. Both gender and sex are something a person is born with and have no conscious choice over.

-Sex has to do with anatomy
There are three biological sexes, male, female and intersex. I assume you've heard of male and female but have you heard of intersex? Maybe you heard the word hermaphrodite misused in the place of intersex.
-A hermaphrodite is an organism that has both ovaries and testes
-Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
In layman's terms the difference is hermaphrodites are fully male and female whereas intersex are not fully male and female.
Alright let's move on to gender. Many people use the words sex and gender interchangeably but sex and gender are different.
-Gender is psychological
Gender is definitely connected to sex their is no doubt about that. Gender identity is about how you view your gender.

Here's a list of gender identities/gender expressions. (Some of these terms are interchangeable)

Agender (Genderless): Having no gender identity or no gender to express. This person experience dysphoria in the form of desiring no sexual characteristics.
Androgynous: A person whos gender expression is both masculine and feminine.
Bigender: A person who's gender is between “woman” and “man”. They experience dysphoria in the form of desiring a combination of male and female sexual characteristics.
*Binary: Genders that fall in the 'gender binary'; man and woman.
Cisgender: A person who's biologicals sex "match" their gender identity; male who identifies as a man, a female who identifies as a women.
Cis-man: A person who identifies as a man and has male biological sex.
Cis-woman: A person who identifies as a woman and has female biological sex
Fluid Gender/Genderfluid; a person with fluctuating dysphoria; a person who's gender expression fluctuates.
Genderqueer: nonbinary transgender person; GNC
Gender Neutral: Having a neutral gender identity or expression, or identifying with the preference for gender neutral language and pronouns.
Intergender: Having a gender identity that falls between the two binary options of man and woman; bigender
Man: A binary gender; A person who Identifies as a man and may present themselves masculinely.
Neutrois : Belonging to a non-gendered or neutral gendered class, usually but not always used to indicate the desire to hide or remove gender cues; agender
*Nonbinary: Genders that fall outside the 'gender binary'; genders that are not man or woman.
Third Gender: a person who does not identify with the traditional genders of “man” or “woman,” but identifies with another gender. Can be used to define any gender that is not "man" or "women".
Transgender (Trans): a blanket term used to describe all people who are not cisgender.
Trans-man: A person who identifies as a man but was not born as the male sex.
Trans-women: A person who identifies as a women but was not born as the female sex.
Transsexual: a person whose gender identity is the binary opposite of their biological sex, who may undergo medical treatments to change their biological sex.
(Some may find this term offensive)
Two-Spirit: a term traditionally used by Native American people to recognize individuals who possess qualities or fulfill roles of both genders.
Woman: A binary gender; A person who identifies as a woman and may present themselves feminine.

Butch: Masculine
Femme: Feminine

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